Sunday, April 28, 2013

Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals 7e, Stewart

Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals 7th Edition PDF Download Ebook. James Stewart offers clear, accurate, and filled with relevant, real-world examples. With this book, Stewart conveys not only the utility of calculus to help you develop technical competence, but also gives you an appreciation for the intrinsic beauty of the subject.

Four carefully crafted diagnostic tests in algebra, analytic geometry, functions, and trigonometry appear at the beginning of the text. These provide students with a convenient way to test their pre-existing knowledge and brush up on skill techniques they need to successfully begin the course. Answers are included, and students who need to improve will be referred to points in the text or on the book's website where they can seek help.

Stewart's writing style speaks clearly and directly to students, guiding them through key ideas, theorems, and problem-solving steps, and encouraging them to think as they read and learn calculus. Every concept is supported by thoughtfully worked examples—many with step-by-step explanations—and carefully chosen exercises. The quality of this pedagogical system is what sets Stewart's texts above others.

Examples are not only models for problem solving or a means of demonstrating techniques; they also encourage students to develop an analytic view of the subject. To provide further insight into mathematical concepts, many of these detailed examples display solutions that are presented graphically, analytically, and/or numerically. Margin notes expand on and clarify the steps of the solution.

The text's clean, user-friendly design provides a clear presentation of calculus. The art program, with its functional and consistent use of color, helps students identify and review mathematical concepts more easily. It offers an extensive collection of more than 8,000 quality exercises. Each exercise set is carefully graded, progressing from skill-development problems to more challenging problems involving applications and proofs.

The wide variety of types of exercises includes many technology-oriented, thought-provoking, real, and engaging problems. Conceptual exercises encourage the development of communication skills by explicitly requesting descriptions, conjectures, and explanations. These exercises stimulate critical thinking and reinforce the concepts of calculus.

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