Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Elementary Statistics Technology Update 11th Edition

Elementary Statistics Technology Update 11th Edition PDF Download Ebook. Mario F. Triola engages readers with an abundance of real data in the examples, applications, and exercises. Statistics is all around us in our daily lives, and Triola is dedicated to finding new real-world examples and data sets that make sense for today’s reader.

The Eleventh Edition contains more than 2000 exercises, 87% of which are new, and 82% of which use real data. It also contains hundreds of examples, 86% of which are new and 94% of which use real data. By analyzing real data, students are able to connect abstract concepts to the world at large. As a result, they gain conceptual understanding and learn to think statistically, using the same methods that professional statisticians employ.

The Technology Update includes new instruction that covers major advancements in statistics software since the first printing of the Eleventh Edition. A new Student Workbook offers even greater opportunity for students to apply their knowledge and practice as they progress through the course. The workbook can be packaged with any Triola textbook.

The flexible organization allows instructors to cover the basics of correlation and regression early in the course if they wish, and scale coverage of probability as needed to address their unique course needs. An increased emphasis oninterpreting results, rather than simply obtaining answers, helps students develop statistical literacy and, where appropriate, arrive at practical conclusions. Worked examples in the text model this approach.

Chapter-opening problems use real data to engage students, while chapter overviews clearly state each chapter's objectives. Flowcharts throughout the text simplify and clarify complex concepts and procedures.

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